Kamis, 18 April 2013

Tugas 2 : Exercise 13

1.          The teacher decide to accept the paper.
2.          They appreciate to have this information.
3.          His father doesn’t approve of his going to Europe.
4.          We found it very diffuclt to reach a decision.
5.          Donna is interested in opening a bar.
6.          George has no intention of  leaving the city now.
7.          We are eager to return to school in the fall.
8.          You wold be better off  buying this car.
9.          She refused  to accept the gift.
10.      Mary regrets to be the one to have to tell him.
11.      George pretended being sick yesterday.
12.      Carlos hopes to finish his thesis this year.
13.      The a greed to leave carly.
14.      Helen was anxious to tell her family about her promotion.
15.      We are not ready to stop this research at this time.
16.      Henry shouldn’t risk to drive so fast.
17.      He demands to know what is going on.
18.      She is looking forward to return to her country.
19.      There is no excuse for leaving the room in this condition.
20.      Gerald returned to his home after  leaving the game.

Tugas 1 : Exercise 10 & 11

Exercise 10: Subject-Verb Agreement

1.     John, along with twenty friends is planning a party.
2.     The picture of the soldiers brings back many memories.
3.     The quallity of these recordings is not very good.
4.     If the duties of these officers aren’t reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project.
5.     The effects of cigarette smoking have been proven to  be extremely harmful.
6.     The use of credit cards in place of cash has increased rapidly i recent years.
7.     Advertisements on television are becoming more competitive than ever before.
8.     Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others are at an all-time high.
9.  Mr.Jones accompanied by several members of the commite has proposed some changes of the rules.
10. The levels of intoxication vary from subject to subject.

Exercise 11: Subject-Verb Agreeement

1.     Neither Bill nor Mary is going to the play tonight.
2.     Anything is becoming than going to another movie tonight.
3.     Skating is becoming more popular everyday.
4.     A number of reporters were at the conferences yesterday.
5.     Everybody who has a fever must go home immediately.
6.     Your glasses was on the bureai last night.
7.     There was some people at the meeting last night.
8.     The committee has already reached a decision.
9.     A pair of jeans was in the washing machine this morning.
10. Each student have answered the first three questions.
11. Either John or his wife makes breakfast each morning.
12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything was in order.
13. The crowd at the basketball game was wild with excitement.
14. A pack of wild dogs has fightened all the ducks away.
15. The jury is trying go reach a decision.
16. The army has eliminated this section of the training test.
17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter are appalling.
18. There has been too many interruptions in this class.
19. Every elementary school teacher have to take this examination.
20. Neither Jill nor her parents has seen this movie before.

Senin, 08 April 2013

How to Make a Chocolate Cake

Ingredients :
  • 1 1/2 cup (192 grams.) flour
  • 1 cup (201 grams.) sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon (7 grams.) salt
  • 1 teaspoon (2 grams.) baking soda
  • 3 tablespoons (43 grams.) cocoa
  • 1 tablespoons (15 ml.) vinegar
  • 6 tablespoons (90 ml.) oil
  • 1 teaspoon (5 ml.) vanilla essence or 2 tsp. (2ml) vanilla extract
  • 1 cup (200 ml.) water
  • 2 egg
Steps :
1. Sift the dry ingredients together. These are the flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, and cocoa. Simply place everything in a sieve and shake it back and forth over a bowl to eliminate clumps. 
2. Stir in the liquid ingredients and stir well. These are the vinegar, oil, vanilla, water and egg. Some people like to add these ingredients individually, but others stir them together in a second bowl and before adding them to the dry ingredients.
3. Pour the mixture into an 8-inch greased and floured round pan. The grease and flour will keep the mix from sticking to the pan. 
4. Bake at 350 degrees F. (175 C.) for 30 minutes.
5. Let the cake cool for 5 min.
6. Frost as desired.

how to make a fried rice

1 - 2 green onions, as desired
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon salt
Pepper to taste
4 tablespoons oil for stir-frying, or as needed
4 cups cold cooked rice
1 - 2 tablespoons light soy sauce or oyster sauce, as desired
Wash and finely chop the green onion. Lightly beat the eggs with the salt and pepper.

Heat a wok or frying pan and add 2 tablespoons oil. When the oil is hot, add the eggs. Cook, stirring, until they are lightly scrambled but not too dry. Remove the eggs and clean out the pan.

Add 2 tablespoons oil. Add the rice. Stir-fry for a few minutes, using chopsticks or a wooden spoon to break it apart. Stir in the soy sauce or oyster sauce as desired.

When the rice is heated through, add the scrambled egg back into the pan. Mix thoroughly. Stir in the green onion. Serve hot.

SUMBER :: http://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111108043638AAa5TIe

Questions tag

Questions Tag adalah salah satu jenis pertanyaan (questions) dalam bahasa Inggris selain declarative questions, rhethorical question, echo questions, yes-no questions dan reply questions.

Questions tag adalah pertanyaan singkat yang sering terdapat pada akhir sebuah kalimat dalam suatu percakapan, dan terkadang dalam tulisan yang tidak remis atau informal writing.

Questions tag digunakan untuk mengetahui atau mengecek jika sesuatu itu benar atau untuk meminta persetujuan (agreement)
  • That was a very good film, wasn't it? 
Questions tag dalam bentuk negatif seperti contoh di atas biasanya disingkat, tetapi dalam percakapan yang formal terkadang tidak disingkat.
  • That's the postman, isn't it? (informal)
  • You do take sugar in tea, don't you? (informal)
  • They promised to repay us within six months, did they not? (formal)
Membuat Questions Tag

Setelah melihat apa itu questions tag, Nahh... sekarang kita lanjut pelajaran kita tentang bagaimana cara membuat questions tag. Sebenarnya pembentukan questions tag tergantung jenis kalimat apa yang kita gunakan, apakah kalimat positive (affirmative sentence) ataukah kalimat negatif (negative sentence).

1. Affimative Sentence (kalimat positif)
 Jika kalimat yang kita gunakan adalah kalimat positif maka questions tag-nya haruslah negatif.
  • You're the new secertary, aren't you?
  • Tony can speak Frech, can't he?
2. Negative Sentence (kalimat negarif)
JIka kalimat yang kita gunakan adalah kalimat negatif maka questions tag-nya haruslah positif.
  • You didn't speak to Luke, did you?
  • You're not the new secertary, are you?

Selain bisa digunakan di kalimat affrimative positive dan negarive, question tag juga bisa digunakan untuk kalimat Imperatives (kalimat perintah). Question tag yang digunakan untuk kalimat imperatives adalah will/won't, would/wouldn't, can/can't, could/couldn't, misalnya:
  • Give me a hand, won't you?
  • Shut up, can't you?
Auxiliaries (kata kerja bantu)

Setelah banyak kita melihat contoh-contoh questions tag di atas, pastinya kita tahu bahwa questions tag terdari dari dua unusur yaitu auxiliaries dan pronoun dari subjeck. Ada bebeapa hal yang harus diketahui
mengenai pemakaian auxiliaries tersebut.

1. Jika kalimat utama mengguanakan auxiliaries be (am, is, are), maka auxiliaries betersebut ditulis kembali di questions tag.
  • You are Andi's uncle, aren't you?
  • She is your girl friend, isn't she?
Khusus untuk kalimat yang mengguankan auxiliary berbentuk "am", seperti pada kalimat"I am late", maka question tag untuk kalimat tersebut adalah "I am late, aren't I?"

2. Non-auxiliaries be (can, would, will, etc.), sepertihalnya kalimat utama yang menggunakan auxiliaries be (am, is, are), questions tag apa non-auxiliaries be juga di tulis kembali di questions tag.
  • Sally can speak French, can't she?
  • You wouldn't like a puppy, would you?
3. Jika kalimat utama tidak memiliki auxiliary, questions tag-nya berbentuk do dan bentuk perubahannya seperti does dan did.
  • You like orange, don't you?
  • She gives you a flower, doesn't she?
  • Harry gave you a bar of choclate, didn't he?
Arti dan Intonasi Pada Question Tag

Dalam berbicara, kita dapat menunjukkan arti sebenarnya dari question tag dengan intonasi. Jika question tag yang kita ucapkan merupakan sebuah pertanyaan di mana kita ingin tahu sesuatu dan tidak yakin dengan jawaban kita, kita menggunakan intonasi yang naik pada question tag.
  • The meeting's at four o'clock, isn't it? (intonasi naik)
Sedangkan jika question tag yang kita ucapkan bukan merupakan sebuah pertanyaan di mana kita sudah yakin atas jawabanya, kita menggunakan intonasi yang turun pada question tag.
  • It's a beautiful day, isn't it? (intonasi turun)